Insolvency and Business Recovery

NMSNZ Ltd is a specialist Insolvency Practice concentrating on the specialist areas of insolvency, corporate and personal insolvency, business recovery and analysis, debt recovery and management, company restructures, takeovers, refinancing including equity funding, and business sales or exit strategies.

If you are considering closing your business, or if you are creditor considering petitioning the Court to liquidate a company because they haven’t paid you, we can help.

Or if you are getting hassled or pressure from a Liquidator or Receiver, maybe even demanding you repay account payments your company received, again we can help.

For $100.00 GST Inclusive we can provide an initial opinion on:

  • The best possible options (or what are the options) going forward,
  • Help answer questions or queries regarding liquidation or receivership,
  • Provide you with options to liquidation or bankruptcy,
  • Advice on Voidable / Insolvent transactions including liquidators demands.
  • Companies Act 1993 / Liquidation Regulations 1994 / Receivership Act 1993